Sunday, September 4, 2016

Digital Blog Post #A Chapter 1

There are several concepts in this chapter that are so fascinating when it comes to teaching the new generation of students. For so long I tried to stay well behind the technology curve, it was not until I had my daughter who is now three that I realized how much technology is engrained into this new generation. They are born surrounded by technology, watching and absorbing while we use our phones, computers, tablets, apple tv's everything around us is surrounded by the tech world. Which leads me to concept one:

THE iGENERATION: Hand in hand with this igeneration is the social media epidemic. Children these days are filled with the entire world at their fingertips, yet many spend much of that time simply on social media. My thoughts is a way to utilize these different sites into ways to make the classroom more cohesive. Much like this blog we have to do, It would be neat to see the outcome of a younger generation of students also using blogs to journal, create, and share with classmates. Behind a computer screen may allow some of the more shy students to truly flourish without the embarrassment of standing in front of students.

Another concept that I found interesting was the section on technology-based learning environment. I recently read an excerpt that was widely shared on social media discussing with parents how rather than sending homework home, they should spend time learning outside. Contrary to that thought, this section discusses how teachers can reach their students even while they are at home and beyond traditional school hours. This could definitely work to the students benefit though, if they had questions where you would once have to wait until the next morning, students could have virtual conversations assuming they are both online.

The last concept that I felt should be touched on was the learning goals for teachers and students. The text mentions often the ideas of highly interactive and inquiry-based. The first idea that comes to mind is allowing the students an opportunity to be apart of the lesson plan. How much more would we all have listened as students if we got to help make the plan? In a technology based classroom, students could do just this. There opportunities could help shape young inquiring minds.

Where I was once skeptical about technology in a classroom, I am beginning to get very excited at the opportunities I could have utilizing technology as well as traditional learning styles to reach my future students!

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